> "a lot of women feel that a man could at least potentially be more dangerous or cause more harm than a bear could."
Aside the provocative intent, if so many women really believe as such, that only shows how much dumb or ignorant those women are.
A bear is the most dangerous land predator in the Western world (you may find worse in Africa or Australia, but not in most of USA or Europe).
Hence this feminist absurdity clarifies two things:
- Many women talk out of their asses - not really knowing nothing, just spouting nonsense.
- These women need to demonize men, pointing their finger to an exception (the one in 1000 man who is really dangerous) as if it was the rule.
BTW, the same women like to forget that their lives are protected and pampered by men: soldiers, cops, firefighters and the like, risking their lives to allow us to live comfortably and safe. Throw those women in the wild, and they soon will be desperately seek the protection of the same men they now despise.