“Women have a strong sense of intuition about things like this.”
And yet, so many women are attracted to “bad guys”, jerks and bastards. How intuitive!
How about “women are often not attracted to men who are not handsome / sexy / alpha / fascinating enough”? Perhaps sometimes this has nothing to do with that man’s “dark side”, it’s just that he’s not so “hot”.
This is a huge feminist “blindness”: ignoring that most women choose partners based (mostly) on physical and sexual factors — similarly to what most men do.
Instead, they want to believe “it’s always men’s fault”, and attribute the lack of attraction to that man’s issues. No, dear ladies, sometimes it’s pretty simple: she’s not attracted to him because he’s not attractive (i.e. hot) enough. He can be a terrific person, and yet if he’s not “hot” enough, many women won’t feel a thing. Not because he’s wrong, but because we humans are wired that way. It’s basic evolutionary biology.