> "Claiming that 90% of women have tons suitors lined up is just...not reality for most women."
And yet this is what happens in online dating (you might not be interested, but it's more and more widespread).
Please note I didn't mention the "quality" of the attention they get; just that they get lots (quantity) of male attention and desire. And as they say, "Quantity has a quality on its own". ;-)
> "In general though, I'm not sure the men are going to settle for these gals as long-term partners"
In general, women are still more selective. It's mostly women who have long lists of requirements for potential partners. For most men is "She should be pretty, sweet and loving sex".
> "Suddenly bloomed, suddenly turning heads where I never did before."
Or, maybe, now you notice those and before you didn't.
Do not underestimate the power of "attention bias". Often we see just what the mind is prepared to see.
> "this really isn't about me is it"
No it isn't. I always consider the general and the personal two very separate levels.
> "sometimes I was the pretty one but wasn't giving off the sex yes! vibe"
That's one factor.
But I'd say that being "closed off" emotionally it's even more impactful. But people doing it usually aren't aware of doing it.
> "After that, options for renewal"
I'm all for it. :-D
But I'm afraid most people would refuse it, because humans crave stability and security.
> "I think if you put on a mildly pretty but nothing special woman's skin for a day, it'd be eye opening how many men don't even notice you."
That's not my experience but, of course, I didn't experience it firsthand. If I could, I would certainly jump on the occasion.
But, again, I'm talking in general. Of course there can be many exceptions when women are ignored or feel that way.