> "Equality is about men killing too many women."
WHAT?!? What you're talking about? :-o
Men always killed way more men than women. And they still do: just look at the recent wars, or crime stats.
Don't listen to feminist propaganda: it skews and distort data to support their (often faulty) thesis.
E.g. in my country women killed by men are among the LEAST cause of death; every year in Italy (*):
1. About 100 women are killed by men (and this number has been going down for long).
2. Women commit suicides about 10 times more (937 every year on average during 2011-2013).
3. Domestic incidents kill about 3500 women.
4. Diabetes kills 12,000 women, and cerebrovascular diseases 34,000-41,000.
Now, what you hear feminists always raging about? Only the first one, over and over. So it feels like it's a massacre, while it's a tiny number.
I mean, doesn't one thousand women a year killing themselves should deserve more attention and empathy?!? Instead, it looks like feminists only care about women's death when they're killed by men. How curious.
(*) Sources available.