> "Every woman never thought such a thing could happen to her".
Then that woman is living in a fairy-tale and should wake up (ditto for a similar man, BTW).
I mean, everywhere we look people talk about affairs. Who doesn't have a friend (or several) with such an experience? Marriages have a 50% rate of failure (and have been for many years now).
Then how can one possibly think that she will be sure that it will never happen to her?!?
What about a person driving and thinking "I will NEVER ever have an accident - hence I don't need to fasten my seat-belts, abide to road signs, and put my children into their baby-seats". What would you think about their maturity or reasoning?
Mind you, I'm not blaming victims of affairs: it's a horrible experience.
Still, as adults we must be able to face reality and be honest with ourselves. This includes acknowledging our species isn't really monogamous (almost no mammal is), and so we need to work hard with our partner to maintain that goal.
Assuming it will never happen to us is being naive and entitled - and a crash will sooner or later meet us around a corner.