I agree with all of what you said, except for this part:
> "If I act too forward, giving him my number or asking him out instead of letting him initiate, I am taking over the natural “pursuing” instinct in a man and will kill the attraction."
This "men are pursuer" is kind of a cultural myth. Sure, it works that way for SOME men, not for all of them:
- Many men would like to be pursued.
- Most men would like to receive more interest or reciprocation from a woman they're trying to date.
- Shy guys need more signs of interest to overcome their hesitation.
- Especially nowadays, when women are so prone to flake or disappear, a woman showing sincere interest encourages the man to invest in the dating. Otherwise, he might think he's just wasting his time.
Promoting the above traditional view, you make a disservice to women that might lose some good opportunity by acting too passively.
Men want to feel being desired too. :-)