I agree with your article, but I'd say that what you wrote is still true regarding to women. Let’s try switching the genders:
- Average is the epitome of being boring. Of course, you have little to no chance with the man of your dreams.
- Average looking girls do not stand out.
- Average looking girls or “average Janes” often barely live their lives.
- Average Janes usually operate on a “what’s in it for me” principle.
- What separates an average girl from an ideal woman is her ability to convey her emotions calmly, take responsibility for her actions, and put her ego aside.
See? It works the same. :-)
And yet, lots of "average Janes" are still expecting to meet their "Prince Charming" and be swept off their feet. Yeah, good luck with that! ;-)
Perhaps both men AND women should accept that, if they're average, they should pursue equally average partners. Unless they like remaining single (and, in the case of women, also being used for sex and then discarded).
After all, you get what you give. :-)