> "I am, believe me, just as demanding of women"
I do believe you :-)
What a pity such attitude is not much widespread. Quite the contrary, actually (in the West at least). As you also said, this is not doing the women much good.
> "my opinion comes from the position of a woman who can talk on Nietzsche with her partner, whilst ironing a couple of shirts. :))"
Oh, wow, my kind of gal! :-D
> "you should scan my other article, titled "Notes on Modern Feminism""
I will.
> "an old-fashioned, proper approach to courting highly increases the chance of "seducing" a woman."
I mostly agree.
OTOH, when - as you stated - women "have lost their nurturing side", their natural female side, that would be unbalanced and dysfunctional.
Most modern women reject traditional female roles; yet they usually expect the man to still fulfill the old male roles: pay for dates, be chivalrous, be strong and protect her, woo her, wait for sex, and so on. But, again, why should he - and only HE - do that? Why should he be the only one giving?
And all this in the modern dating scene, where most women are surrounded by opportunities, hence they could - and will - jump from a suitor to the next (hey, it's so ego-boosting, why not? ;-).
No sane man would do that. It's worse than playing the roulette (there you have 1/36 chance to win, in the dating scene is much less). Most men are fed up with "investing" in dating and getting out little or nothing at all. They "invest" only when they see a good chance to be reciprocated. And many disappear at the first sign of entitlement, being demanding or bitchy, or emotional stinginess (they have learnt the red flags).
> "I would highly recommend you read "The Art of Seduction" by Robert Greene."
I began reading it. I honestly found it clichéd, boring and not much useful (unlike his "48 ways of power", that I found illuminating). I'll take another look at it.
> "One is the academic work of a psychoanalyst, the other is a self-development manual."
Well, you sound like the kind of woman I would invest my time to woo her :-)
Too bad woman like you are less than one in a thousand. That's the price to become evolved, I presume: one finds it's quite lonely.