> "I believe we have the capability to evolve quickly as far as enlightenment goes."
Mhh. Maybe you can't tell the difference between YOU and the average person. Just because you can do the above, doesn't mean everybody can.
I mean, we had exceptional individuals who evolved their self to be truly admirable persons: think St. Francis, Gandhi, the Dalai Lama. Does it mean everybody could? Of course not, since they didn't.
The hugely widespread of tribalism in US politics I'd say is proof enough that many (most?) people, still nowadays, aren't much more evolved than apes. ;-)
They're still at the level of tribal thinking: "Us against them", "We good, them bad".
I think humans theoretically have that capability. In practice, though, they cannot or do not want to.
Humanity is, for the most part, still "primitive". Just because you and me and a bunch of people can do better, that doesn't mean anybody can. We're a minority. An "avant-garde", if you will. :-)