I can guess a couple reasons why the Dr. didn't include your #3.
- Nowadays, "Narcissist" is an often overused term, thrown here and there without much understanding. For some people, every time someone is a bit selfish they shout "Narcissist!". But while everybody can be selfish, not many people really are narcissist. Using the "Narcissist" label is often a way to blame the other without acknowledging our own contribution to the situation: "It's NOT me, it's YOU!" (e.g. if I'm in a co-dependent relationship, BOTH are responsible for it).
- Blaming others solves nothing. Because we cannot change others, we can only change ourselves. Accordingly, the article focuses on awareness of the possible issues these women might have, not on their partners. If I choose a narcissist or cold partner because of my issues, and I just blame her behavior without acknowledging why I chose her, I could leave her but I will choose another partner like that: because MY issues won't be handled and healed.
When we have (recurrent) relationship problems, usually the only way out is assuming accountability, and taking care of our inner wounds. Only when we heal our mind / soul, we can make better love choices.