I could not read the complete article (not subscribed), but I get the sense that you're ignoring feminism's "dark side".
As any ideology, feminism can be positive AND damaging too. Let's see some examples among many:
- Sometimes feminism is all about women's rights exclusively (and that's not "equality"): e.g. about reproductive rights, in the West now women have 100% rights and men zero.
- Some feminism pushes a misandric "Women are good, men are bad" mindset.
- Sometimes feminism is totally one-sided: e.g. amplifying female suffering, and completely ignoring men suffering.
- Sometimes feminism supports women acritically: e.g. when the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard trial was still going on, insisting that he was surely the abuser, no matter what (and the trial showed it was her instead).
Personally I think it would be more helpful, for BOTH genders, if these "dark sides" were acknowledged. After all nobody is perfect, and no ideology is always right or beneficial.