> "I encourage you to view your wife’s change in personality as natural and healthy for this stage of her life."
This article sounds very one-sided to me. It's all about her needs and changes, and assumes the husband should play the devoted and selfless companion... maybe until she decides to divorce, because she doesn't care about him anymore.
I thought marriage was a contract where BOTH spouses assume responsibility for each other's needs. In this case, she doesn't; it feels like she's going her own way.
What if it was the husband changing deeply, becoming distant or cold and detached, minding his own business and ignoring the wife? I doubt the Dr. would be as understanding and empathetic.
Honestly, this sounds like most of feminist thinking: the woman is free to live her life the way she likes, while the man should always care about her and cater to her. And they call all this "equality".
PS: Read all the comments from lonely and lost husbands in the original article (see my other comment).