I fundamentally agree with your standing on abortion, and I agree it's a very effective screening question.
Having said that, I think you underestimate some men's problem (like most feminists do; like many men underestimate women's problem), when you say "When was the last time Congress passed legislation about what you could or could not do with your own body?".
- You seem to forget that, in case of war, men have always been required to give their bodies - and often their lives - without having any say in the matter. Sure, nowadays it happens less... until your neighbor decides to invade (I live in Europe, so...). Women were never required such sacrifice.
- Or, we could talk about the laws that (did) forbid some kind of sexual activity: actually telling some men what they "could or could not do with their own body" (e.g. only in 2003 the anti-sodomy laws were repelled in all of the U.S.).
This is not meant to diminish women's issues. Just to point out that being a man is not always a cakewalk as some people seem to think. ;-)
My rule of thumb is: life is hard, for everybody. Thus never minimize or ignore other people's sorrow.