I think this is mostly BS.
Of course everybody has a logical and an emotional mind (not to mention an unconscious one), but not everybody uses - or is used by - them in the same way.
- Some people are almost like animals, driven mostly by instincts and emotions.
- Some people are capable to acknowledge their own emotions and to handle them, so they are less swayed by them (therapy is often useful in this regard).
Therefore, some people are more able to reason and some are more emotional. Denying this is just being blind to the facts surrounding us: social networks are full of rants by emotional people, while e.g. philosophers and political analysts strive hard to be more objective.
I presume the author holds her thesis because she is a feminist and hates admitting that, on average, women are more emotional. Because for most feminist "Women can do no wrong, and cannot never ever be lesser than men". Yeah, sure, and pigs can fly... ;-P