I will try: yes, many men are addicted to physical attraction (I said "many", not "all" ;-), so when a woman is really beautiful or hot (not just cute), they lose their brain and might fall for her - even if she's rude or obnoxious or a bitch. Hey, it's evolutionary, blame mother Nature! :-D
That kind of men see getting a hot woman like winning a lottery (because, on an evolutionary biology plane, it's true): so they will endure a lot to keep her.
But this won't happen with a 4 (or even a 6), even if she's acting "out of their league". She really must be hot; for those men it's mostly about the looks.
What might happen with a 4-6 acting like she's way better, is that some (not many) men will bear with her to try to have sex. After that, they will dump her.