> "I’m guessing the fact that most women don’t have..."
Of course that's a big factor.
But on average women are also less ambitious, less competitive and less driven than men (testosterone levels matter here). And they often have different goals in life.
> "We’re still hesitant to elect women for top political positions..."
Also, there's seldom really great women politicians:
- Hillary Clinton is a good politician, and as a person she is 100x times better than Trump... yet she lost the 2016 election, also because she has low people skills.
- In the USA the right has embarrassing figures like Sarah Palin and Marjorie Taylor Green. The present vice-president Kamala Harris is practically meaningless: I can't remember one noticeable thing she did.
- In UK Theresa May botched the Brexit process, and Liz Truss was an abysmal Prime Minister.
That's a long list of failures. How often there's a great politician like Margaret Thatcher or Angela Merkel?
> "Why do you suppose so many people pray to a male creator..."
Now that's a really good question. :-)
If there's a God, I don't think it would be a male or female: that's too human. It would be an ever-encompassing Everything.
But since religions are made up to comfort and reassure humans, they create gods in their own image. The Abrahamic God was of course a male, because at that time it was a patriarchal culture, like the Greeks or Romans. These were polytheistic, but at the top was still a male. Since Western cultures descend from them, of course we inherit those God(s).
Since God is the Creator, I agree with you it would be logical considering it a female. But religions are more about politics than logic ;-) Besides, who runs the show decides the rules. Men have ruled the show forever, so they established the status quo.
In this sense I prefer polytheistic religions, where everybody is free to choose his or her own favorite deity. :-D