IMO, many men resist the so called "(feminist) women equality" because it's not equality at all. Quite the contrary, it's usually unbalanced, one-sided and sexist.
- Feminism demands more rights for women, and duties for men ("Men should do this and don't do that"). Never the opposite.
- When women face disparities (e.g. few women are CEO), feminism roars in outrage. When it's men facing disparities (e.g. in education and college degrees; more job-related deaths), feminism is perfectly fine with that.
- Laws promoted by feminism are all in favor of women (and often against men). Name just one law promoted by feminism that's in favor of men (apart from paternity leave, which favors women as well).
- We often hear feminists say "Women don't owe men anything". OK, fair enough. But try to say "Men don't owe women anything", and hear the same feminists howl! Feminism is all about double standards.
All in all, "feminism equality" is just a pretext, a "fig leaf" to cover the actual truth: feminism is, and always has been, for women first and above all.
Its "equality" is a farce and a sleight of hand, to trick society into its sexist goals.
TL:DR: No sane and rational man rejects true quality. It's the "feminism (false) equality" they're against.