Interesting read. You sure know women and their psyche better than the average female Medium writer writing about relationships (many are naive dilettantes).

Yet one wonders: after performing all of these feats (because this list sounds like a serious job), what one man does get in return?

Because to me is seems most women require a lot, but offer much less compared to what they want. To the question "What do you bring to the table?", they often reply "I offer myself": that doesn't mean anything (anybody is offering him/herself).

Most women don't even think about what they can offer: they're all about what they can GET.

(I'm sure it's not the author's case; but the author seems more the exception than the rule)

Valter Psicofelicità
Valter Psicofelicità

Written by Valter Psicofelicità

Mi occupo di crescita personale da 40 anni. Nel mio blog parlo di migliorare se stessi, la propria vita e le relazioni, per vivere meglio ed essere più felici.

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