> "I’ve always known I had a certain power. Maybe it’s the way my eyes smolder or the curve of my smile..."

Or, more simply, it's due to you being 1. Young, 2. Pretty, 3. Having a vagina. Usually it’s those things giving such woman a great power over men.

If you think I'm mistaken, try taking away just one of those elements, and see if that power remains the same; I highly doubt it. ;-)

Agreed with the confidence thing, though. It really is magnetic (works with most men as well).

Valter Psicofelicità
Valter Psicofelicità

Written by Valter Psicofelicità

Mi occupo di crescita personale da 40 anni. Nel mio blog parlo di migliorare se stessi, la propria vita e le relazioni, per vivere meglio ed essere più felici.

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