I never said that women never hunted. Of course they did, sometimes. But when it was about mammoths or saber-toothed tigers, women did let the men do the dangerous deed. Just as it happens today (dangerous jobs are almost always done by men).
The proof is that men are physically built for that (our upper body strength is almost the double of women's). Of course it's not by chance: evolution shaped our bodies in different ways. That's why usually women have better intuition and men better spatial awareness.
Of course your ideology says that women can do anything men do, and even better. Yeah, keep telling you so. In the meantime, women able to change a flat tire are as common as unicorns. QED. ;-P
Oh, and BTW, yours is a straw man: I was talking about females doing some kind of "prostitution" in nature, but you didn't reply anything about that.