> "Most of these have to do with gender roles in our society. It is harder to be an overtly arrogant woman in society than an overtly arrogant man; men are more frequently rewarded for this “confident” or “alpha” behavior."
Hey Doc, the '50s are calling and say you seem stuck within them. ;-)
The above might be true in professional areas, but in our modern (Western) society the opposite is often true: men are more criticized, and women receive more acceptance. Look at the media: most assume a feminist stance and are more critical to males than females.
Unless a man is rich and famous, him being aggressive will be reprimanded; while a woman might receive some "You go girl!".
Lastly, if the above were true, how to explain the whole "Karen" phenomenon? In the '50s, a "Karen" would have been slapped to reason; nowadays they feel free to act bossy and do whatever they want - knowing that most people will not confront them.