Oh boy. Did the author ever read some evolutionary psychology?
Attraction works mainly through evolutionary instincts. Women are attracted by male muscles primarily for two reasons:
1. A well developed and muscled man looks healthy and strong = good genes.
2. A strong muscled man will be able to better protect and provide (hunting, fighting baddies) for her partner and the offspring.
"Wait, what if the dude works in Wall Street and his muscles are absolutely useless there?", you say. You're right, but it doesn't matter: attraction is irrational and instinctive, and is mainly based on four millions years of evolution: what mattered then is what shaped our mating choices.
E.g., why are we so attracted by a full mane of hair? It's totally useless, right? And yet it's enchanting (US people spend almost 100 billion $ annually in hair care). Why? Because great hair = good genes.
Therefore, the reasons cited in this article can be true, but are mostly secondary.