Oh, so you want to talk about domestic violence?
Time and again, research and statistics show that women AND men are subject to it in similar proportions (i.e., 40-50% of DV victims are men):
- Google scholar: "gender symmetry in partner violence"
(produces a long list of sources and studies)
- Domestic Violence Against Men: No Laughing Matter (Psychology Today)
"a growing body of international research indicates that men and women experience IPV [Intimate Partner Violence] in similar proportions"
- Hundreds of studies conducted around the world reveal women are equally likely as men to engage in domestic violence. A summary of 343 investigations by Dr. Martin Feibert revealed that “women are as physically aggressive as men (or more) in their relationships with their spouses or opposite-sex partners.” (4)
Again, feminism (and most feminists) are full of BS when they talk about only female victims of DV. The one-sidedness of feminism is staggering: they show ONLY what supports their theories, NEVER the full picture.