> "Overall, every man seems to be alike, and we are disgusted and repelled."
You're mistaking the view of a few neurotic, traumatized and unbalanced women (and you might be among them), for the vast majority of them (the "real" women).
Real women aren't "disgusted and repelled" by men. They might dislike some of them, or dislike some masculine traits, but - by and large - they like men and want to be among men. And not just in a romantic sense: lots of women say that working among men feels much better than working among women (who are often petty, catty, bitchy and back-stabbing).
Besides, thinking "every man seems to be alike" is just as dumb as thinking "every woman seems to be alike". Individuals come in all shapes and sizes - regardless of gender.
You think you're talking about reality... but you're in fact only talking about your biases and prejudices.