Sounds like another "The woman is always right, therefore the man is the asshole" article. I.e., usual feminist stance.
Sure, the husband here might have been more empathic and understanding, but it looks like the wife doesn't take any responsibility about her health (not to mention her looks). Even if he was as sweet as a cupcake, I highly doubt it she would behave differently.
The problem is, a marriage requires the effort of BOTH spouses: one is just not enough. Blaming and shaming just the man (or the woman, when it happens), like the Dr. did here, won't solve anything.
Feminism nowadays says women are always right and should never change: IMO this sounds like a surefire way to a divorce. Or to a life full of cats ;-P
Maybe we should begin telling it the way it is: marriage is hard work for life, if you aren't keen on it, better avoid it.