> "Sure, men are much louder about not getting sex [...]
But guess what? There are at least as many women in the same boat."
No, there are way less.
On average, men have higher libido and higher testosterone (like ten times as much). Besides, men are usually more willing to have sex than women. So yes, there are some sex-starved women, but they are much less.
Qualitatively it's the same suffering, of course. Quantitatively, though, it's mostly men who suffer that way.
Alas, that's typical of feminism: distorting data and facts. This is not helping.
> "literally nobody is entitled to sex. Ever."
In the same way, nobody is entitled to hugs, affection, attention, holding hands, being listened to, etc. Or is it?
The problem is, if a partner's attitude is "I owe you nothing", and disregards the other's needs, no relationship is going to last.
> "And the entitled attitude is what’s keeping you from getting it."
Yeah, if it were that simple. There's thousand reasons men are not getting it. And there's lots of reasons women are less willing to have sex.
Again, distorting facts and excessive simplification just creates more confusion.
You sound like those people who write like relationship experts, but they have a confused or biased understanding of the subject matter.