> "That's a judgment from the woman's side."
Why? You know I'm a dude, right? ;-)
"Masculine" is part of the male identity. It's part of who I am as a man. And before cultural, it's archetypal: male energy is strong, daring, bold, adventurous - the opposite of fear.
IMO women have a right to say what they perceive as "masculine", what they like and dislike (the same is of course true for men and femininity); it's part of the "dance" between sexes.
But they have NOT the right to tell men how they should be - just as men have not that right.
The problem you point out, IMO (and I agree is real), is less about women in general, and more about feminists and their need to criticize, attack, define and "neuter" men - because they are AFRAID of them.
A sane woman, OTOH, is not afraid of men in general, and welcomes masculine energy. She feels it completes and enhance her femininity. It's the Yang to her Yin.