> "What then, is to be done? About this persistent belief among a significant number of men that ‘feminism / gender equality’ has gone too far?"

Maybe acknowledge the possibility that sometimes it is actually TRUE?!?

You might try to listen to those boys and men’s reasons, with empathy and an open mind… and you might discover that their complaints may have solid bases. Instead, it sounds like you just want to change their minds.

You seem to fall for this feminist tenet: "Feminism is always good for everybody and can do no wrong".

Well, newsflash: NO ideology is that good and always positive. Thinking that way makes you naive and biased... or just in bad faith.

Everybody and every ideology has "dark sides"; it's a human thing. Feminism is no exception.

Valter Psicofelicità
Valter Psicofelicità

Written by Valter Psicofelicità

Mi occupo di crescita personale da 40 anni. Nel mio blog parlo di migliorare se stessi, la propria vita e le relazioni, per vivere meglio ed essere più felici.

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