> "Women don’t need men"
Yeah... until they get a flat tire, their PC or phone stops working, or anything tech need fixing! :-D
"Women don’t need men" is a fairy-tale for angry lesbians. As you clearly show, without men the whole Western civilization would just stop.
> "Even the most radicalized feminist would probably agree with that."
LOL! You're over-optimistic. Most radical feminists would deny the truth they dislike even when that truth is biting their dérriere! :-D
They're all ideology and zero facts.
> "Why do we as men take this as such a huge hit to our pride?"
For me it's not about pride. I know it's utter BS.
For me it's that I dislike lies and liars, and especially when it's propaganda lies, that may influence many people.
If someone says "Blacks are inferior" or "All women cheat", it enrages me (despite me being neither): because they're lies and they make the world a worse place.