Wow! It's amazing how some people can be so devoid of logic and understanding.
I never argued about what SHE (the author) wants. I argued about what WOMEN want, in a general sense. How could you not tell the one from the other?!?
Your comment is foolish on so many levels...
1. The author stated her opinions. I stated mine. This is called a dialog (and, BTW, it's the main reason for comments). What feels so weird to you about having a dialog? Unless, of course, you believe women can say whatever they want, and men cannot.
2. Women talk about men a lot. Feminists, especially, criticize men all the time, and even tell them how they should behave as men. So why on Earth a man cannot express an opinion about women? Unless, again, questioning the opposite gender is a privilege reserved for women only.
3. People can be wrong. Therefore, women can be wrong. Thus the author stating her viewpoint doesn't mean this has to be taken as the Bible and never questioned. Unless, once again, you believe men have no right to question women opinions.
4. People can lie. Therefore, women can lie. I don't mean the author, but the women she got her data from. Just because "Women said this", doesn't mean the case is closed. Unless, once more, you believe men lie but women do not.
5. Lastly, the author and me had several dialogs before, and we both appreciated that. Unlike you, she is a very smart woman and she's open to exchange of ideas. Of course she may disagree with me, but she would never say that I'm "not equipped".
Because, unlike you, the author is not an obnoxious, sexist, arrogant dimwit.
> "Clearly you are not equipped to know what women want at all."
LOL. Why, just because I have a penis? That's some awesome "logic"!
According to this "logic", then, women should not discuss about men and their behavior. After all, what do they ever know...? (that was sarcasm, in case you don't get it).