Wow, that was one _sexist_ piece. :-o
> I want women, literally all women, to find whatever happiness they desire
So, you don't care about men being happy. After all, happiness is just for women, right?
> The invested effort of heterosexual single women looking for men
Do you really think dating online is a cakewalk for men? That we have it easy?
Or you simply don't care?
> The online dating ROI is bullshit
It might be, but that is true for both genders. So it's a _human_ problem, not a female one.
You might have looked at the dating troubles as a human problem, and then pondered specific female issues. Instead you focused exclusively on the women's side (i.e., _your own_ side).
So I wonder, maybe that's why you never get what you're looking for.
If you are that egocentric and solipsistic, if it's _all about you_ ... well, no wonder most men stay away.
Besides, the anger exuding from your article makes you sound like a demanding and entitled person: "What's wrong with the world! It's not giving me what I WANT!!!".
So yes, dating is complicated and messy - for everybody.
But sometimes the reason we cannot find what we're looking for, may lie _within_ us - not in the world outside.