You hit the nail on the head.
Women are way more selective than men, and easily discard men when they lack any of a long list of requests.
Want an example? Look at this article from a woman: "Stay single until you meet a guy who does these 70 things"
Of course not all women are so extreme... but most have their own long lists. Most men, on the other hand, will gladly be interested in a women who's broke, weak or having issues, as long as she's cute and kind.
But why, then, it's so difficult to say this out loud? Because this means that, often, the problem in relationships stem from the female part: and most feminists - and lots of women - cannot accept this. They need to believe women are always right and men are wrong (it's one of feminism's tenet).
They just cannot accept uncomfortable truths. They obsessively cling to this black-and-white worldview, only seeing men's negative side and women's positive.