> "you understand where I’m coming from when I say men aren’t really suffering."
If what you say was really true, we wouldn't have men being 80% of suicides. And I'm not talking about entitled whiners, but about the ones so desperate to end their life to stop their suffering.
I agree with most of what you say, but your POV lacks empathy. You talk about honor, gifts and masculine power... but you forget all the dark and hard sides of being a man. You seem to push the "hero archetype", the strong and stoic one who fearlessly face any danger... forgetting that:
1. Many men are fed up with this archetype.
2. It's part of the so-called "toxic masculinity", the same that drives men to "man up", detach from their feelings, keep their suffering stuffed inside... and die of a stroke in their 40s or 50s.
The way you talk to men, you sound like a man saying to women "You are courted, you have drinks offered for free, and you can have all the sex you want; what are you complaining about?": quite a narrow-minded POV, do you agree? :-)
Saying that women, nowadays, have it worse, you sound like all the feminists who only see female suffering because that is all they want to see: one-sided, self-centered, almost narcissistic ("It's all about ME / US").
I think the truth, as usual, is in the middle: life is hard for everybody, although sometimes in different ways for each gender. IMO only acknowledging each others' suffering we can progress as a species and end this silly "gender war".
As long as one gender fixates on "We have it worse (so fuck you!)" (be it men or women), i.e. being self-centered and child-like, we will be stuck.