> "Your wife is in “fight or flight” mode"
If someone is always in "fight or flight" mode, s/he needs therapy, not massages (massages can be nice but not a solution). There's deeper stuff underneath.
About the rest:
- "If You Massage Your Wife More, She May Want A Lot More Sex" - "May" is the keyword here: she may, she may not. Reading all the comments (included those on the blog post), it seems many times she does not.
- This sounds like one of the many feminist, "It's all about the woman" suggestions around: the man has to serve the woman's every need, and maybe - just maybe - he will get some cookies. Did I say "maybe"?
This doesn't looks like a healthy and egalitarian relationships: it looks like submission.
BTW, though a submissive husband might look lovely to some wife, for most women a submissive man is not attractive in the least. So, guess what? Again, no matter how many back rubs, sex will be unlikely, dude. Yeah, you may get a "thank-you-BJ" once in a while, but she won't feel aroused this way.